
“It is last stage of all when we are frozen up within and quite the phantom of ourselves..."

--- Matthew Arnold

I have a co-worker who killed himself Monday night.  He stepped in front of a train.  I can't get him out of my mind.  I keep thinking...I've been in that depressive darkness before...I understand, so why didn't I pick up on it?  Not that there was anything I could have done...or maybe there was.  I have been frozen by depression before. So stiff and cold from it that even to have a thought in your brain hurts. He must have been to this point. Dark and cold. Hopeless.  My thoughts are with him and his family tonight.  I would like to think that he is at peace now...

Project 365: Day 197

 Tie a string around your finger so you won't forget...

Project 365: Day 198